If your company is growing, the DANGERS in your network are also growing. FORTINET is a leader in data and network security.

We can help you implement the FORTINET solution.


Colocare Servere in Cluj

The FORTINET security solution advantages are:

  1. It scans and blocks suspicious data traffic in your network.
  2. It manages connection and access rights in your network.
  3. It protects against infected email attachments.
  4. It protects the network from external intruders.
  5. It optimizes the data transfer between multiple locations in your company.


“Data and network security is of crucial importance for our company and the FORTINET solution implemented by efect.RO provides us with the security level that we need.”

Ionuț IUGA, Lead Engineer, BLUE PROJECTS S.R.L.

Find out the FORTINET solution cost:

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